As of March 30, 2019, the store has closed it's Greenfield location.
Birchtree Craft Retreat is now open! Click on the link button in the menu bar at top of page.
A letter to all of our customers
February 1st, 2019 is the fifth anniversary for The Scrapbook Store & More. I am so proud to say that the store has become what I had originally envisioned it to be, not only a retail place for people to buy quality paper crafting supplies but also a destination for people to socialize, learn and explore their creative side. A happy and safe place!
The entire crafting industry has changed greatly in the last five years and as the industry evolves, so must the store.
I am currently in the middle of remodeling a house on our property to become a Craft Retreat that will be able to sleep 10 -12. It will have a very large, well-lit open space for crafting tables as well as full kitchen, dining and lounge areas. When it is not being rented out as a retreat it will also be used as a place to teach classes and will have a small store on site. Details on the opening date for the Retreat House are still tentative but the remodel is scheduled to be finished sometime in April and then I will need to get State and City Inspections and licensing done. Projected opening will be sometime in late spring/ early summer of 2019.
The Scrapbook Store & More has also been changing as the industry has evolved. We have brought in greater variety of products and offered more classes and Crops than ever before. Bringing in US as well as International Guest Designers and Industry Leaders. Offering up kits for all ability levels. It has been a huge labor of love for myself and my staff that has been so very gratifying.
Unfortunately, there are too many factors that are currently working against the Store’s success and a very difficult decision had to be made. As a sufferer of Autoimmune Diseases I have developed more symptoms that are greatly limiting my ability to work, both physically and mentally. Issues of increased operating costs with decreasing trends in revenue have made the business difficult to support itself financially. Along with my husband Robert, I have made the difficult and heartbreaking decision that I need to close the retail store when the current lease expires at the end of March.
I fully intend to remain active in the Crafting Industry, just in a much more scaled down version close to home. I’ve even got my friend Frank willing to come teach at the new retreat. I just need to take time to make my health and family a priority. I am so grateful for the loyal customer base that the store has developed. I didn’t gain just customers but a very large group of friends. I hope that you will all follow along with the progress of the Retreat House and visit me once it opens!
The next several weeks will be difficult for me as I along with my staff sort through everything we will be selling off. If you don’t see me much it just may be too painful to talk about in person right now (I am already crying as I type this note). I know in my heart that the timing of this is right and I still have great things to look forward to.
All my Crafty Love,